$2.5M Available to Support Domestic and Sexual Violence Services | Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and Family
Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and Family

Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and Family

$2.5M Available to Support Domestic and Sexual Violence Services

August 25, 2023

Applications for the Arizona STOP (Services, Training, Officers, and Prosecutors) Violence Against Women Grant (RFGA#: RFGA-STOP-GOYFF-010124-00) are now being accepted. Approximately $2.5 million will be awarded to programs throughout Arizona to support courts, prosecution, law enforcement, and community-based victim-serving organizations that address sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, and dating violence. Additionally, funding will support the expansion of prevention, outreach, and service programs for victims of human, sex, and labor trafficking.

The grant, with a maximum annual award of $150,000 per grantee, is renewable for a combined term of 3 years. The grant application will close on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 5:00 PM (MST). The Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family (GOYFF) invites grant applications from Arizona entities that include 501(c)(3) Community-Based Victim Serving Organizations; Tribal Nations, Tribal Coalitions, and Tribal Communities; in addition to County/City/Local Government Entities.

Access to solicitation documents requires a free eCivis account. A virtual, non-mandatory pre-application conference will be held on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at 1:00 PM (MST). To register and receive further information, click hereDeadline to register: Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at 11:00 AM (MST)

For additional assistance around this opportunity, please contact the Procurement Manager, Shane Richardson, at procurement@az.gov.

About the Arizona STOP Violence Against Women Grant

The funds awarded under this Request for Grant Application (RFGA) are federally authorized through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and administered by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women. The grant invests in programs to support Victim Services, Coordinated Community Response Teams (CCRT), Sexual Assault Response Teams (SART), Training, and Special Projects that focus on increasing victim safety and offender accountability. By statute, awards are disbursed as follows: law enforcement, prosecution, and victim services. There is a 25% match, non-federal match-cash, or in-kind. There is no match requirement for Tribal or Victim Services Applicants.

Apply Here!