Applications for the Child Abuse Prevention and Advocacy License Plate Grant (RFGA#: RFGA-LP-GOYFF-070124-00) are now being accepted. Approximately $100,000 will be awarded to programs throughout Arizona to implement child abuse and neglect primary prevention programs and/or for child and family advocacy centers to provide support to victims of child abuse and neglect.
The grant, with a maximum annual award of $25,000 per grantee, is renewable for a combined term of 2 years. The grant application will close at 5 PM (MST) on March 22, 2024. The Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family (GOYFF) invites grant applications from Arizona entities that include 501(c)(3) Organizations, Arizona Child and Family Advocacy Centers, Arizona Tribal Nations, Tribal Coalitions and Tribal Communities, and any partnership of the above-listed organizations (an Arizona fiscal agent must be designated) with a minimum of two years of experience providing trauma-informed services to child abuse and neglect primary prevention programs and/or child and family advocacy to provide support to victims of child abuse or neglect.
Access to solicitation documents requires a free eCivis account. A non-mandatory virtual pre-application conference will be held for this RFGA on Friday, February 23, 2024, at 1:00 PM (MST) via Zoom. To register and receive further information regarding the pre-application conference, click here.
For additional assistance regarding this opportunity, please contact Procurement Manager Shane Richardson at
About the Child Abuse Prevention & Advocacy License Plate Grant
The monies awarded under this Request for Grant Application (RFGA) are State of Arizona funds. Child abuse prevention specialty license plates have been available for purchase by the public since November 1999. The purpose of this program is to provide financial assistance, support child abuse and neglect primary prevention programs, and support child and family advocacy centers in Arizona to provide support to victims of child abuse and neglect. Programs shall be trauma-informed, family-centered, strengths-based, and evidence-based or evidence-informed. The GOYFF encourages collaboration with community partnerships and the Arizona Department of Child Safety.
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) issues special vehicle license plates for various causes and organizations, including collegiate, environmental, and veteran plates, pursuant to A.R.S. § 28-2351. The revenue generated from the sale of the vehicle license plates will be used, in part, to support primary prevention efforts against child abuse and neglect and support child and family advocacy centers. Plates are sold for $25 each ($8 is a special plate administration fee, and $17 is a tax-deductible annual donation). Match funds also supplemented these funds. The monies in the fund are exempt from the provisions of A.R.S. § 35-190 relating to lapsing of appropriations.