The STOP (Services • Training • Officers • Prosecutors) Violence Against Women Grant supports prosecution and law enforcement strategies that combat violent crimes against women and aids in the development and/or strengthening of victim services. Authorized through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and administered on the federal level by the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women, the STOP grant provides funding that fosters partnerships with courts, law enforcement, prosecutors, victim-serving organizations, and tribal communities, as well as state, county, and local governments.
The GOYFF aids in administering the dollars described above through a competitive grant application process. Each year, the GOYFF is awarded approximately $3 million to support programs throughout the state. The grant invests in programs to support Courts, Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Victim Services, Training, and Special Projects that focus on increasing victim safety and offender accountability. By statute, the awards are disbursed as follows: 25% for law enforcement, 25% for prosecution, 30% for victim services (10% has to be distributed to culturally specific community-based organizations), 5% to state and local courts, and 15% for discretionary distribution. There is a 25% match, non-federal match-cash, or in-kind.
If you have questions about this funding or would like to connect to grantees currently providing victim services in your community, please email your name, contact information, location, and request to Emily Uline-Olmstead, Justice Program Manager.
Special Projects
- Alice’s Place, Inc.
- Amberly’s Place Family Advocacy Center
- Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys Advisory Council
- Arizona Youth Partnership
- BLOOM365
- Catholic Charities
- City of Prescott Police Department
- Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse
- Family Violence Center, Arizona State University
- Gila River Health Care
- Legal Services for Crime Victims in Arizona
- Maricopa County Attorney's Office
- Mariposa Community Health Center
- Navajo County Attorney's Office
- New Life Center
- Pima County Attorney’s Office
- Pinal County Attorney’s Office
- Prescott Valley Police Department
- Santa Cruz County Attorney's Office
- Sojourner Center
- Southern Arizona Legal Aid
- Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County
- Victim Witness Services for Northern Arizona