The Justice For Victims of Child Sexual Abuse Task Force is authorized under Executive Order 2019-04 and consists of representatives from the law enforcement community, the Arizona House of Representatives, the Arizona Senate and advocates of victims of child sexual abuse. The signing of the executive order was followed by the signing of H.B. 2466, unanimous legislation that strengthened protections for victims by extending the length of time victims have to pursue civil action against perpetrators. The Task Force is charged with multiple responsibilities, including: developing and conducting a collaborative statewide review of Arizona’s laws for protecting children victimized by sexual abuse, and providing legislative recommendations to reform Arizona’s laws for protecting children victimized by sexual abuse. In November 2019, the Justice For Victims of Child Sexual Abuse Task Force submitted recommendations for further reforms to support victims and help prevent child sexual abuse. This task force is no longer active, as of 2019.
Download the Justice For Victims of Child Sexual Abuse Task Force 2019 Recommendations