Open Grant Application - Apply for the Parents Commission on Drug Education & Prevention Grant | Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and Family
Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and Family

Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and Family

Open Grant Application - Apply for the Parents Commission on Drug Education & Prevention Grant

February 16, 2022

Applications for the Parents Commission on Drug Education & Prevention Grant (RFGA#: GR-PC-070122-00) are now being accepted. Approximately $4 million will be awarded to programs throughout Arizona to implement programs that enhance and increase parental or caregiver involvement and have a focus on Substance Abuse Prevention for one or numerous substances.

The grant, with a maximum annual award of $200,000 per grantee, is renewable for a combined term of 3 years. The grant application will close at 12 midnight on April 4, 2022. The Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family (GOYFF) invites grant applications from Arizona School Districts and Institutions of Higher Education (state university centers eligible to apply), Arizona Non-profit 501(c)(3) Organizations, Local, county or state government entities in Arizona, Arizona Tribal Nations, Tribal Coalitions and Tribal Communities (serving Arizona residents), and any partnership of the above listed organizations (an Arizona fiscal agent must be designated). The Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family would like to see programs that serve underserved communities or communities at high risk for entry into the foster care system.

Access to solicitation documents requires a free eCivis account. A non-mandatory virtual pre-application conference will be held for this RFGA via Zoom on Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 1:00 P.M. Deadline to register for the pre-application conference is Friday, February 28, 2022 at 5:00 P.M. To register and receive further information regarding the pre-application conference, click here. For additional assistance regarding this opportunity, please contact Shane Richardson at

About the Arizona Parents Commission on Drug Education and Prevention:

The funds awarded under this Request for Grant Application (RFGA) are State of Arizona funds. The Parents Commission on Drug Education and Prevention receives 50% of the monies deposited in the Drug Treatment and Education Fund to provide support for programs that will increase and enhance parental involvement and will increase education about the serious risks and public health problems caused by the abuse of alcohol and controlled substances. The Drug Treatment and Education Fund, established by A.R.S. §13-901.02, receives 7% of tax revenue collected on spirituous liquors and 18% of tax revenue collected on vinous and malt liquor.

The Arizona Parents Commission on Drug Education and Prevention, also known as the Parents Commission, was created by a voter initiative in 1996. The Parents Commission’s mandate, established by A.R.S. §14-1604.17, is to “fund programs that will increase and enhance parental involvement and will increase education about the serious risks and public health problems caused by the abuse of alcohol and controlled substances.”

Apply Now!